One People
What is Q?
As the confusion intensifies and the deep state strives to infiltrate all that is good and more specifically, the “Q” movement; we need to clarify what “Q” represents.
Many questions have been asked about the “Q” phenomenon. “Who is Q?”, “Where does Q come from?”, “Does Q have an ulterior motive?” or my personal favorite “Is Q selling something?”, and other such things. “Q” is not what you think it is. It is much more!
Here is a quick story about the Q’s.
The “Q” represents a state of Consciousness. It is that simple. The “Q” is a set of beliefs where, “WE” the people can dream of a world known as an Utopian Society, a Eden or a Golden Age.
The “Q” is a permission slip to create a reality that fits a model of higher consciousness and something GOD granted us in our inalienable rights! It is not something that can be manipulated or tweaked into a religious belief but rather, a Universal system of values that represents the nurturing of all life.
It is a mindset and value system of like minded people. These individuals, from around the world, are those who believe in a higher purpose for our future, our children and planetary evolution.
It is free from discrimination, separateness, money, fear, hate, destruction, limitations, and ideologies that require a dictator style of ruling.
“Q” is a set of belief systems, whereby ALL people can be freed from negativity and evilness. It is a movement towards equality, safety, fairness, transparency, honesty, opportunities, abundance, protection, sharing, compassion, strength, healing, learning, and helping one another. It is a spiritual wisdom to openly share, build trust and embrace transparency.
As “ONE PEOPLE”, we appreciate those with differences. We embrace a new way to be, that is free from all forms of invasion. Our Mother Planet is part of our Soul essence and her vibrational heartbeat pulses through our veins. Nature is our remedy. Balance is our cure, and ONENESS is our purpose.
Evil and tricksters are an abomination and everything we have turned our backs from, and will no longer support. Instead, we crave a “COHESIVE ONENESS” and all that is good, decent and peaceful. The “Q” values each other and appreciates their wisdom and courage to openly discuss ideas and plans for our future.
The GOLDEN AGE of the new “galactic” ideologies, will prevail. It will represent, support and provide guidance for all those seeking help. “We The People”, are on the precipice of blooming into our pre-determined powerful human selves. This is the time to push through boundaries of what was, and embrace what will be. Our future is limitless and the opportunities will be surprisingly extraordinary.
“Q” will prevail and continue to grow for all the eons of eternity. “Q” is the love of “THE ALL MIGHTY GOD”, and that light resides in all of us. “Q” is the freedom to express this powerful love so all of the people may live in a spiritual enlightened reality. “Q” has a UNIFIED appreciation for the world, personal tranquility and spiritual bliss. As “ONE PEOPLE”, we are transforming our planet and ambitiously pushing for the life of righteousness. You see my dear friends, “WE” are all the Q!